ENGLISH not finished
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-_- Favoritshortcuts@2-0.info
-_-Kontakt Shortcuts►
-_-lokale Dateien►
Entwicklung der T.
ENGLISH not finished
opt. Browser+Taskbar settings
c[_] 1-l.de hp

favoritshortcuts are a prefix of the "x favorit.url" files.
To request the fav. :  type the shortcut e.g "u15"  in one of your 2 possible Addressbars  and *ENTER*

A) Future! download  "favorits with favoritshortcuts" from your local traffic company and copy them  into the "favorit" folder. (copies from cd or disk are also possible)

Then you can access the timetabels by typing the linenumber e.g.  "u15" , "b10"  and  "Enter" 
To acces the hp´s and opening times  from public offices  will also be possible.

B) To create   favoritshortcuts:
 Webmaster in the title [fsc favoritshortcut.tk] or via favorit  button or link => .

 User in the favoritdialogbox in front of the favorittitle, seperated by a space. 
favoritshortcuts can be initials of websites " sil " for streetart.info/Links    

The possible characters:   [  ] ; = - ' 0-9 a-z   = 44  allows  theoreticaly 44² two digit shortcuts. 
           The shift   characters are also possible.
you can set also 1 digit shortcuts , but there is a little waiting time (0-5 -1-5sec) between typing and complieting.

examples :  
"s sport page 1" "ss sport p 2" "sss sport 3" "ssss sport 4" " sssss sport 4" "ssssss sport4"
  advantage of 3  shortcuts for one page : you must not count your typing

Requirement:  you have to activate "inline autocomplieting for webaddr." =>tools =>internetoptions=> advanced => in the  middle


With initials as a contactshortcut you can insert contacts into the adressbar from "outlook express"
to set: pm Peter Miller into on of the 3  "name" fields in the addressbook 
Requierement autocomplieting => tools => options => send

After the contact is complieted in the addressbar, you can insert more shorttcuts , seperated by a comma

In webmailsystems  Y , lycos, Hotmail you have to set  the shortcut in the " nicname" field.
To use the shortcuts: type them into the addressbar , more shortcuts sperated by commas
The whole contactname will not be displayed.

Local files and foldernames which are saved on the desktop, will also inserted into the adressbar.
So you can open all kind of files by typing the starting letters or shortcut for this files.

fav.music.mp3     1v fav.video.mpg     1d  document.doc     .txt    .eml

with this technique you can start also programs eg.  " - Billy the kid-Browser.lnk "
but it will be better, to start programms wth the function keys F2 - F12  => Rightclick on a programm Shortcut  => properties=> set the courser into the Shortcut field and push eg "F6"

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